Decarbonization & Net Zero Consultancy

With each passing year, the impacts of climate change is becoming more and more apparent. In response, more businesses pledge to track their carbon footprint and plan for decarbonization to align their business strategies with Net Zero roadmap. Achieving Net Zero Carbon emissions by 2050 will continue to be a major driver in taking concrete actions for reducing GHG emissions and aligning with 1.5 oC pathway throughout business operations.

Net-zero means a balance between the amount of greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions produced and the amount eliminated from the atmosphere to tackle climate change. The definition of 'net zero' means that emissions are balanced by efforts to offset them, these include planting trees, changing industrial processes, restoring forests or using nature-friendly technology to store and capture carbon emitted from burning oil and coal.

Farnek will prepare a Decarbonization & Net Zero Plan for your business operations aligning with the results from the Carbon Footprint Calculation and as well the reduction targets & time lines established with SBTi and CDP. The action plan will focus on to;